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Private or Semi-Private Yoga Instruction

How It Works 

Private instruction is a great way to tailor a program to meet your specific needs and is available for yourself individually (Private), or for a group of people (Semi-Private).  


This program (whether Private or Semi-Private) is designed as a monthly commitment.  Sessions are held on a weekly basis.  The day of the week and time of day will be agreed upon by you and I (Private), or the group and I (Semi-Private). The nature of the sessions (i.e. Gentle, Vinyasa Flow, Yin yoga) will be agreed upon prior to the first session.  The practice can change as needed to ensure our time together continues to be what is right for you and/or your group.


The sessions will be arranged and conducted in a mutually agreed upon location. 


Please contact me for rates for your individual practice or to set up a group session.


If you are interested in Private or Semi-Private Yoga Instruction, I would love to connect with you!

Please click here for my contact form.
