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I began my yoga journey in 1994 when I took my first yoga class. After each class I found I had energy that lasted for hours, a calmness of my mind, and an overall sense of peace in my being. 

I have continued to practice yoga ever since. I say practice yoga because yoga is a practice. There is no goal to achieve or perfect position to obtain in an asana (posture). Every time you move into an asana, it feels different than the day, week, or month before.


I have found yoga to be a source of strength and comfort. It is a practice that has given me the ability to become aware of my physical, emotional, and mental states and how they are all interconnected. It has also given me the tools to cope with change and challenges that are present in everyday life.

“Life is a series of breaths.” – Yogi Ramacharaka in “Science of Breath”

When I read that quote, it had summarized for me the essence of what I have learned through yoga. I discovered through a focus on my breath, and being fully present in the moment, I could get through some very challenging asanas and vinyasa flows. I found I was able to use the same focus when I was not on my yoga mat and it has made a profound difference in how I live my life today.

When I began to feel the connection of my breath with my movement and feel my internal rhythm, I was hooked, and I knew yoga would forever be a part of my life.

In March of 2009, I completed my teacher training at the Body Language Yoga and Fitness studio in Commerce Township with Andrea von Behren. I decided to teach yoga in the hopes that I could bring this peace and joy to others.  I have also had the pleasure of attending various conferences and workshops with Seane Corn, Erich Schiffman, and Janet Stone.

Janet Stone is amazing in her asana teaching and more noteably for me, her leading us through call & response chanting.  Her words and the open hearts of everyone singing and chanting was a very powerful experience.  One that I would love to be able to share with others.

I will never forget the first time I attended Erich Schiffman's weekend workshop in Yellow Springs, Ohio.  His philosophy, his words, and his passion had a powerful impact on how I have lived my life.  He promotes "Thinking less, Knowing more" and having the courage to be brave.

With the help of Seane Corn, I have learned the value of detoxing mentally and physically through a very rigorous asana practice.  It was a challenge for me and my muscles would quake and I would curse her each time she made us step our right foot forward again and again to move through the warrior poses... but the feeling of release and calm after the weekend workshop was entirely worth it.


Logo Explained

Compassion.  The symbol is a dove, representing peace, love, and to the early Greeks and Romans, care for family. It symbolizes the compassion necessary if we hope to achieve peace within ourselves, and the love and care with which we should treat ourselves and others.

Patience.  The symbol is a head and a flattened heart. It symbolizes the connection between our logical brain and our emotions, reminding us we need a balance of both, knowing all hearts have been wounded. This is the patience we need as we seek our balance, our center.

Acceptance.  The symbol is two hands with palms together.  When our palms are together, we cannot "do," we must accept things as they are. It symbolizes acceptance of ourselves and others, with all the imperfections that make us who we are.

Complete logo.  The individual symbols for compassion, patience, and acceptance come together to form the complete logo which represents my personal approach to, and what I hope to instill in, each person I work with. The combination of these qualities is a powerful and compelling thrust toward personal wellness.